52歌赋>英语词典>business organisation翻译和用法

business organisation



  • Purpose is already a perilously overused buzzword in modern business, but it is built into the way every voluntary organisation operates.
  • He expected to play an active role in management with Mr McDonald, with whom he has worked closely for a decade, participating in reviews of innovation, business organisation and talent development.
  • A value for money business tool to any industrial organisation aiming to reduce its purchasing and procurement costs.
  • The factors limiting the improvement of allocation of labour force in Beijing suburbs are the following, 1. The small scale of business in the primary industry and tle lower degree of organisation.
  • Some enterprises are fortunate to be able to make the business transformation to SOA across the entire organisation.
  • If history is any guide, the impact of the latest technologies on business organisation is likely to be vast; it is also likely to be more gradual than the rolling hype of the last decade suggests.
  • In a swipe at BHP, Mr DOWDLE had raised "questions about our ability to do business across the nutrient spectrum as well as the future location and make-up of our sales organisation".
  • If caveat emptor is seen as a dominant business principle by both producers and consumers then the legitimacy of capitalism and market organisation will not long survive.
  • Business and the citizen sector are two operating sectors and they really need to come together, says Bill Drayton, founder of Ashoka, the social entrepreneurship organisation.
  •   this means informality, openness and a lack of hierarchy in our business attire. In keeping with a solutions organisation, it is outcome-based.